News & Events

Congratulation of the Director of the Institute of Economics of NAS of Belarus, Vasily Hurski, on Victory Day


Dear Colleagues! Dear veterans and home front workers!

On behalf of the Directorate of the Institute of Economics of NAS of Belarus and myself personally, I sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day!

The Great Patriotic War ended 75 years ago. It claimed millions of lives and left an indelible mark on every Belarusian family. We must remember this tragedy, grieve over the dead, honor the deed of our ancestors, uphold the truth about the war and do everything possible so that no one will ever threaten our Homeland.

We are proud that the veterans of the Great Patriotic War and participants in the partisan movement, who at the risk of their lives destroyed the enemy, exposed punishers, obtained trophy weapons and ammunition, passed on to the command information about the deployment of enemy troops, continue to work in the Institute of Economics of NAS of Belarus.

We thank dear veterans and home front workers for their invaluable contribution to the defense of the Homeland, the peaceful sky above our heads and the calm life given to the modern generation. Your bravery and courage inspire us to creative work and consolidation in order to overcome current challenges.

We wish you good health, longevity, peace and prosperity.

Vasily Hurski,
Director of the Institute of Economics
of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
