NCP « Inclusive ... society» HORIZON 2020

The National Contact Point NCP « Inclusive, innovative and intellectual society» of the programHORIZON 2020 at the Institute of economics of NAS of Belarus.


The program of the EU HORIZON 2020 – is the largest program in the history of the European Union for researches and innovations with the budget about €80 billion calculated for seven years (from 2014 to 2020).

Since 2016, it is carried out activity on Institute of economics of NAS of Belarus as the National Contact Point (NCP) «Inclusive, innovative and intellectual society» by the program of the EU HORIZON-2020 (The order of the State committee on science and technologies of Republic of Belarus of 31.03.2014 No. 116, in edition of the order of the State committee on science and technologies of Republic of Belarus of 12.08.2016 No. 177).


Head of NCP – ViartsinskyaTatsiana , Cand.Econ.Sc., Head of the Department of International Economics and External Economic Researches

Tel.: +375 173321661; fax: +375 172840716; e-mail:

Coordinator – Koleda Oleg, Head of the International Competition and Economic Integration

Tel.: +375 172949451; e-mail:


Main activities:

- distribution of the project information of the program Horizon 2020;

- consultation of the acting and potential participants from Belarus concerning preparation of requests and projects implementation on a subject of the researches «Inclusive, Innovative and Intellectual Society»

- assistance in search of partners in EU countries for the Belarusian organizations wishing to join the created consortium and also search of partners in Belarus in requests of the organizations from the EU;

- carrying out information days and seminars.


Contact information of the national information office of the program Horizon 2020 in Belarus

Website of office – section Horizon 2020.

Coordinator of national contact points Horizon2020:

Olga Meerovskaya

National information office of the

EU programs on science and innovations

Belarusian institute of the system analysis

and information support of

scientific and technical sphere

Pobediteley Ave. 7

220004 Minsk, Belarus

Tel/fax +375 17 2033139, mob. +375296612576




On October 25, 2016 in the city of Minsk and on October 26, 2016 in the town settlement Narach on the basis of the Joint institute of problems of informatics of NAS of Belarus (OIPI NAS of Belarus), Institute of economics of NAS of Belarus and National park Narachansky has taken place a two-day seminar «Sustainable development of national and natural parks of Belarus and Italy on the basis of innovations and information technologies». Leading practical experts in the sphere of the modern information technologies (IT), sustainable regional development and nature protection activity have taken part in work of the seminar. The action purpose − to promote exchange of the know-how in the sphere of management of nature protection territories of Belarus and Italy on the basis of innovations and information technologies within the international scientific and technical programs. Representatives of the National Contact Point (NCP) «Inclusive, innovative and intellectual society» of the program of the EU HORIZON 2020 (in coordination) ViartsinskyaTatsianaand Koleda Oleg have spoken at the seminar on behalf of Institute of economics of NAS of Belarus.

Dear colleagues!!!

 We are urgently looking for partners from Lithuania and Latvia in terms of European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Latvian-Lithuanian-Belarus Cooperation Programme for 2014-2020.

This programme has just launched a call for international project applications , with 20th December 2016, 16:00 hrs Vilnius time deadline for submitting applications.

 For this instrument we are interested in developing Project ideas for Programme Thematic Objective  1. Promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty: 1.1. Enhancing the access to social and other services for vulnerable groups:

We would like to activating adults from social risk groups for their integration to labour market. This Project would be mainly about 2 directions:

1) implementation of measures to promote the employment of women, people of pre-retirement age and other population groups who are unable to compete on equal terms in the labor market by organizing their employment and (or) creating work place, for example, for women with children at age 0-5

2) integrating ex-prisoners into society (consulting, information services, preparing their return to society, creating assistance service network in the area), and (or) creating work places – like day/employment centres for acquiring work skills, and best practice exchange on creating, finding and supporting jobs for and integration of social risk individuals.  


It seems to be very important for us to find Coordinator of the project with experience in these fields in Lithuania and Latvia.

As for us, we can propose to develop education program and training program for vulnerable group of people with the detailed business plan for its putting into practice. Also we have strong relationship with Vitebsk region administration as one of the partners of the Project, that could be very useful for development special regional program or even some  cross border business incubator in particular small area.

The Institute of Economics of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (IE NASB) is the leading economic research center in Belarus. It has founded in March 1931 under the guidance of The Belarusian Academy of Sciences. The Institute are involving in developing practical recommendations for the Belarusian government  on various practical issues of socio-economic policies. International scientific collaboration andinteraction with business sector are determined to become the major priorities oforganization’s development in the following years.


